Coming Home 소개영상_영국성공회A_rchiving/A_사례 2021. 7. 3. 13:00
주거문제 함께 해결합시다! 소개영상 | 영국 캔터베리 대주교 위원회 Tackling the Housing Crisis Together | The Archbishop's Commission on Housing, Church and Community 영상출처: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBd1NF4fp_E Coming Home 홈페이지: https://www.archbishopofcanterbury.org/priorities/coming-home/our-5-housing-values Our 5 housing values | The Archbishop of Canterbury Sustainable, Safe, Stable, Sociable, Satisfying. www.arch..
Coming Home 보고서(번역)_영국성공회A_rchiving/A_사례 2021. 7. 3. 13:00
주거문제 함께 해결합시다! Coming Home 보고서 | 영국 캔터베리 대주교 위원회 출처 홈페이지: https://www.archbishopofcanterbury.org/priorities/coming-home/about-coming-home About Coming Home | The Archbishop of Canterbury A report to reclaim the very purpose of housing – as the basis for community, and a foundation for human flourishing. www.archbishopofcanterbury.org